mardi 19 novembre 2019

Marvel Crisis Protocol

I have pre-ordered my copy of Marvel Crisis core box, it seems that we still have to wait a bit (I'm in France).
I have passed my turn for Marvel Universe and Batman Miniature Game, but a game where you can launch cars or play Hulk, all this using my TTcombat buildings, it's definitly a game for me :)

And here probably the most concise explanation and overview I saw:

mercredi 13 novembre 2019

4th and last board

Starting the work on my 4th and last board. I tried to have as much room as possible for the buildings while keeping the roads necessary for connectivity with other tiles. There are many possible combinations between boards in order to get a 160*80 table.

As you can see I am also currently working on the ttcombat's Star Store and Lincoln. 

Work on the new board...

And some possible combinaisons...

 An overview...